~*~ Inspiration ~ Motivation ~ Growth ~ Movement ~ Perseverance ~ Courage ~ Leaps of Faith ~ Living Creatively ~*~ A Blog About Committing to Yourself, and to Your Dreams
Monday, August 22, 2011
Mission Accomplished!
As I get older, however, I realize this is not a productive outlook, and I will live an awfully boring and disappointing life if I do not at least start somewhere. I have decided to look at my situation logically: there are very few prodigies in this world, and I am certainly not one of them. Like every other artist, musician, or entrepreneur before me, I will have to work hard and practice at what I do. I will have to put many hours into my craft, and learn many lessons before I can obtain the confidence and grounding I need to establish integrity in my work. While I honestly feel a bit intimated by this, I also feel elated- I am doing it! I am already accomplishing something, and while my first attempt might not be everything I hoped, it is a beginning, and it is a wonderful beginning.
I have been all over the board for the last few weeks. I was excited in the beginning, and I felt as if nothing would stop me. I had this sense that the excitement and momentum I felt would propel me straight through to stardom, with little to no effort. Reality began to sink in after when I began to cut my first Dream Leaper interview- an off the cuff, impromptu interview with my friend Magpie. I realized that I had not done the kind of preparation I should have going into the interview. I did not consider the questions I would ask her- and found that the piece was not as cohesive as I would have liked. I also did not consider a venue for the interview, and was unaware of my microphones ability to pick up every little sound in a 50mile radius- so the waterfront on a hot summer saturday was a poor choice for sound quality. Furthermore, I made promises about deadlines I could not keep, and did not take into consideration the amount of time it might be to receive photos from Magpie for the piece.
In the end, I learned that pre-production is key in creating a quality video.
The next big issue I found myself running into: lack of belief in myself and in my ability. My inner critics were having a field day with my poor ego- kicking it around like tattered soccer ball. Every time I would edit, the voices would criticize every little detail or error I made. I also began to compare myself and my work to that of others, which let's face it, is probably one of the most unproductive and pointless things an artist can do. I put off working on it for a while because I was worried it wouldn't be "good enough" or that I would never finish it (yep- I put off doing it, because I had a fear of not finishing... that old self fulfilling prophecy) I decided to keep working on it, and see where it went.
Last night I found myself focused on plans to create an intro for the video, distracting myself with finding suitable music for the introduction piece. After several hours of searching through creative commons material, I realized that I had wasted all of that time, when I could have been finishing the project at hand. I was procrastinating out of fear that I was almost finished with my first project, and would soon have to share it. This was not productive at all, and my video could stand alone- an intro could come later. I put the finishing touches on the interview, and decided I was done. It was not perfect, but I liked what I had, and I had wasted enough time attempting perfection. I will let it stand alone, and take my lessons with me on the next interview.
This whole process has been an incredible learning experience for me, and it is astonishing to see how far I have come in the last few months. Up until I arrived in Sweden, I was all talk and little to no action. I had great ideas and no motivation behind them. I can thank my dear love, Jens, for teaching me how to be productive. He is such an amazing support in my life, and I am so grateful to have him. Thank you, lovebug. You mean the world to me.
Dream Leaper: Lady Magpie
Dream Leaper: Lady Magpie from Corin Porter on Vimeo.
How does one live creatively? In todays world, it is so easy to get lost in the daily grind of work and responsibility, that we often forget what brings us JOY. In this, the first of a series of interviews, I ask what it means to be creative, and how important it is to take LEAPS OF FAITH for our creative dreams. I myself am taking a leap of faith for my own creative with this project. Each week, I plan to interview a new "Dream Leaper", and find out where they came from, and the struggles they endured to get to where they are today: living their lives creatively.
Throughout this process, I hope to build my own skills, and discover new and amazing paths along the way to supporting myself fully on my creative dreams!
Stay Tuned for more: dreamleapers.blogspot.com
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Start Where You Stand!
The Block Gallery & Coffee House is just that- an artists gallery with a coffee shop. I walked in and was struck by the hybrid Gallery/Cafe. The space is large and open, not overcrowded with chairs and couches, although it has the space to utilize. I love the openness of it. There are colorful and vibrant paintings on the walls, below them are open glass shelves lined with pottery, portraits, handmade soaps, jewelry, and handprinted cards- all by Vermont artisans. I am shocked, stunned, and in complete awe and inspiration while I sit here.
The owners are friendly- a mother and son crew. From what I have gathered so far, the owner Loraleh is an artist herself. I love this place. There are so many beautiful things to look at and inspire me. So far, I have calculated that I could spend at least several hundred dollars in just earrings and pendents.
I have collected the names and business cards of all of the artists, and hope to interview them as well as Loraleh.
I am getting used to the idea of spending time on my projects everyday. That's not the hard part though. I can show up- on the page, in the editing room, with a camera- but the beginning is difficult. I decided to put together a pre-production package to email to all of the artists and Dream Leapers I have been in contact with recently, but I am having difficulty articulating exactly what I want to do.
I started writing lists, but every time I attempt to type out an explanation or articulate my intentions, my brain goes numb. I think a lot of this has to do with my fear of how I appear to established artists. I want to be professional and show that I have what it takes, which I do, but at the same time, it is really difficult to portray myself as established when I am just beginning. I guess the best thing I can do is speak my truth, and hope that they appreciate my enthusiasm and drive enough to give me a chance to represent them. In the end, I just want to share their stories, and gain experience while doing so. This could be a great networking experience for everyone involved.
It is exciting but scary to begin. You are still wobbly on your feet, but you have drive, determination, and inspiration. I am radically motivated to achieve, and help others to find the drive they need to move forward with their dreams. I have big ideas in the works, but I am happy and excited to start here, now, with smaller steps toward bigger goals. I am trying to be patient with myself, knowing that I am in the beginning, and not allowing myself to bite off more than I can chew.
All of that said, I do have to remember that I am not completely new to this. I spent one year at a technical school for video and film editing, and the first two years of college in film production. I have plenty of experience to start where I stand. I just have to build the confidence and grounding I need to establish the integrity and eventually mastery that I hope to achieve. We all must start somewhere. Today I start from here. One step. One step at a time. I will make this happen.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Learning Lessons and Making Time
I spoke with a few acquaintances and set up some loose interviews for the following Saturday. I had all week to plan and prepare, and I didn’t put any time into it. In the end, I made it to the market late, and missed the prime interview time while they were setting up and before the customers arrived.
BUT I learned a very valuable lesson: allow time for preparation and pre-production. Have my questions planned and ready (and written down, in case I forget them) Be on time. Be EARLY, in fact. Know my interviewee, as well as my audience. Conduct research about them and their products before I arrive. Be sure to state clearly what I need- loud and clear voice, complete sentences (starting the answer with the question, etc). Having a clear vision on what I am looking for will help the interviewee to feel more comfortable, and will allow me to cut together a more cohesive video in the end.