Monday, September 12, 2011

Joy, Not Perfection.

Perfection. We do not use the word in a productive manner. I would prefer it be eradicated from the language completely. While it might work for the occasional piece of cheesecake, or a sunny autumn morning, we all use it and expect it of ourselves and others FAR too frequently. It is detrimental to ourselves, and to our perception of others. It hurts our soul, makes us think we are not capable, or worthy of magical things, and makes us idolize other people or situations.  It keeps us from pushing forward for our own goals and dreams, out of fear of never reaching perfection, which is in fact an impossible task. It keeps us discouraged, and keeps those we place on pedestals feeling like they could never live up to the expectations of those around them- stunting their own growth.

I have been thinking a lot lately about the matter of perspective, and our tendencies to idolize and assign perfection to those who hold qualities we wish we had ourselves. We are all the idolizers and the idolized. We want what others have, and they want what we have (or what they think we have). People go on attempting to attain something with the hope it will make them happier, because from their perspective, it has made the lives of others easier and happier. In the end, I think it is terribly important to focus on what brings us each joy, and how to stay focused on appreciating what we have ourselves, rather than separating people into groups of have and have-nots. We all hold the potential to achieve our dreams and goals- unless that dream or goal is to be someone else.

A co-worker noted recently he had just become aware that his "parents are humans too." I think many of us can relate to the notion that those we look up to are God-like creatures, all-knowing and unable to do wrong. When we idolize people, we give them superhuman qualities. We assume they do not deal with the everyday issues and big losses as we non-perfect people have to. We also assume that even when they do deal with loss, hurt or surprise, they are able to do so more gracefully because they are "perfect", and their perfect lives allow it to hurt less. I am sure not many people have thought this directly, but I see it often.  We expect those we idolize do not feel pain as we feel pain, because they are either beautiful, rich, talented, or any other "perfect" quality, and so it must soften the blow for them.

This past winter, I was going through some of my own issues just after I moved to Honolulu. I often heard: "Well, what have got to worry about? You're living in Hawaii!" This was obviously unfair, as pain and fear does not numb in tropical climates. We have to remember that the grass is only greener from where we stand. Once we put ourselves in the exact position of others, we can see it is really only a matter of perspective. What this experience has taught me is that we all have issues. They might affect us all differently, but in the end, it is all relative.
"The size of a misfortune is not determinable by an outsider's measurement of it but only by the measurements applied to it by the person specially affected by it. The king's lost crown is a vast matter to the king but of no consequence to the child. The lost toy is a great matter to the child but in the king's eyes it is not a thing to break the heart about." ~Mark Twain

Photo Credit:
This idea of relative pain can also apply to happiness. I know many beautiful, rich or talented people who are not happy with what they have, and desire to lose more weight, gain more money, or be better at their talent. It is important to focus on what we each have to share, and not be quick to judge it, because we are each so different from each other, and we each have many wonderful qualities that we can share with the world to make it a more beautiful place. Just do what brings you joy, and your joy will spread like the zombie apocalypse ;-D

 I will assign you an activity! For the first time in my blogging history, I will give you homework. Don't worry, you do not have to share it. It is just for you. Grab a fancy journal, a napkin, a piece of scrap paper, whatever you have near. NOW, take a few minutes to breathe. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, just for now, let go of your worries. You can go back to them after, should you feel the need, for now let them rest. Write a list of things you are grateful for, stating "I am grateful for..." at the beginning of each. Try to write at least 10, more if you are on a roll!
Example of what I would write: I am grateful to be ALIVE! I am grateful to be writing. I am grateful for my beautiful sister. I am grateful to have a job. I am grateful to have a day off. I am grateful to be me. I am grateful...  Do this for this every morning for a week. If after a week, you have no desire to continue, or it does not seem to work for you, then discontinue the practice. BUT- if after a week, you start to notice that you are more focused on yourself, and what brings you gratitude and joy- then PLEASE continue. I have found that it keeps me more focused on the vibrant colors of my own grass, rather than that of my neighbors. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Mission Accomplished!

Well, sort of! Let's just say that I have accomplished "starting." That is always the hardest thing for me to do- to begin a project. I am sure many people can relate: You have an idea, something that really gets your creative juices flowing- you might write it down, or save it for "later", but that "later" never actually arrives. Speaking as a perfectionist, it is always incredibly difficult to begin because I know whatever I do, my first attempts will not be up to my personal standard of quality. Therefore, if I cannot do it right the first time, I don't usually do it at all.

As I get older, however, I realize this is not a productive outlook, and I will live an awfully boring and disappointing life if I do not at least start somewhere. I have decided to look at my situation logically: there are very few prodigies in this world, and I am certainly not one of them. Like every other artist, musician, or entrepreneur before me, I will have to work hard and practice at what I do. I will have to put many hours into my craft, and learn many lessons before I can obtain the confidence and grounding I need to establish integrity in my work. While I honestly feel a bit intimated by this, I also feel elated- I am doing it! I am already accomplishing something, and while my first attempt might not be everything I hoped, it is a beginning, and it is a wonderful beginning.

I have been all over the board for the last few weeks. I was excited in the beginning, and I felt as if nothing would stop me. I had this sense that the excitement and momentum I felt would propel me straight through to stardom, with little to no effort. Reality began to sink in after when I began to cut my first Dream Leaper interview- an off the cuff, impromptu interview with my friend Magpie. I realized that I had not done the kind of preparation I should have going into the interview. I did not consider the questions I would ask her- and found that the piece was not as cohesive as I would have liked. I also did not consider a venue for the interview, and was unaware of my microphones ability to pick up every little sound in a 50mile radius- so the waterfront on a hot summer saturday was a poor choice for sound quality. Furthermore, I made promises about deadlines I could not keep, and did not take into consideration the amount of time it might be to receive photos from Magpie for the piece.

In the end, I learned that pre-production is key in creating a quality video.

The next big issue I found myself running into: lack of belief in myself and in my ability. My inner critics were having a field day with my poor ego- kicking it around like tattered soccer ball. Every time I would edit, the voices would criticize every little detail or error I made. I also began to compare myself and my work to that of others, which let's face it, is probably one of the most unproductive and pointless things an artist can do. I put off working on it for a while because I was worried it wouldn't be "good enough" or that I would never finish it (yep- I put off doing it, because I had a fear of not finishing... that old self fulfilling prophecy) I decided to keep working on it, and see where it went.

Last night I found myself focused on plans to create an intro for the video, distracting myself with finding suitable music for the introduction piece. After several hours of searching through creative commons material, I realized that I had wasted all of that time, when I could have been finishing the project at hand. I was procrastinating out of fear that I was almost finished with my first project, and would soon have to share it. This was not productive at all, and my video could stand alone- an intro could come later. I put the finishing touches on the interview, and decided I was done. It was not perfect, but I liked what I had, and I had wasted enough time attempting perfection. I will let it stand alone, and take my lessons with me on the next interview.

This whole process has been an incredible learning experience for me, and it is astonishing to see how far I have come in the last few months. Up until I arrived in Sweden, I was all talk and little to no action. I had great ideas and no motivation behind them. I can thank my dear love, Jens, for teaching me how to be productive. He is such an amazing support in my life, and I am so grateful to have him. Thank you, lovebug. You mean the world to me.

Dream Leaper: Lady Magpie

Dream Leaper: Lady Magpie from Corin Porter on Vimeo.

How does one live creatively? In todays world, it is so easy to get lost in the daily grind of work and responsibility, that we often forget what brings us JOY. In this, the first of a series of interviews, I ask what it means to be creative, and how important it is to take LEAPS OF FAITH for our creative dreams. I myself am taking a leap of faith for my own creative with this project. Each week, I plan to interview a new "Dream Leaper", and find out where they came from, and the struggles they endured to get to where they are today: living their lives creatively.

Throughout this process, I hope to build my own skills, and discover new and amazing paths along the way to supporting myself fully on my creative dreams!
Stay Tuned for more:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Start Where You Stand!

I have discovered a wonderful new cafe in Winooski, Vermont. I would usually go downtown Burlington to spend the day at one of my normal haunts, but decided I didn't have the energy or desire to walk the 30 minutes into town. I spied this place last night while walking to meet my Aunt Carol for dinner. It is only a 5 minute walk from my current residence! Bonus!

The Block Gallery & Coffee House is just that- an artists gallery with a coffee shop. I walked in and was struck by the hybrid Gallery/Cafe. The space is large and open, not overcrowded with chairs and couches, although it has the space to utilize. I love the openness of it. There are colorful and vibrant paintings on the walls, below them are open glass shelves lined with pottery, portraits, handmade soaps, jewelry, and handprinted cards- all by Vermont artisans. I am shocked, stunned, and in complete awe and inspiration while I sit here.

The owners are friendly- a mother and son crew. From what I have gathered so far, the owner Loraleh is an artist herself. I love this place. There are so many beautiful things to look at and inspire me. So far, I have calculated that I could spend at least several hundred dollars in just earrings and pendents.
I have collected the names and business cards of all of the artists, and hope to interview them as well as Loraleh.

I am getting used to the idea of spending time on my projects everyday. That's not the hard part though. I can show up- on the page, in the editing room, with a camera- but the beginning is difficult. I decided to put together a pre-production package to email to all of the artists and Dream Leapers I have been in contact with recently, but I am having difficulty articulating exactly what I want to do.

I started writing lists, but every time I attempt to type out an explanation or articulate my intentions, my brain goes numb. I think a lot of this has to do with my fear of how I appear to established artists. I want to be professional and show that I have what it takes, which I do, but at the same time, it is really difficult to portray myself as established when I am just beginning. I guess the best thing I can do is speak my truth, and hope that they appreciate my enthusiasm and drive enough to give me a chance to represent them. In the end, I just want to share their stories, and gain experience while doing so. This could be a great networking experience for everyone involved.

It is exciting but scary to begin. You are still wobbly on your feet, but you have drive, determination, and inspiration. I am radically motivated to achieve, and help others to find the drive they need to move forward with their dreams. I have big ideas in the works, but I am happy and excited to start here, now, with smaller steps toward bigger goals. I am trying to be patient with myself, knowing that I am in the beginning, and not allowing myself to bite off more than I can chew.

 All of that said, I do have to remember that I am not completely new to this. I spent one year at a technical school for video and film editing, and the first two years of college in film production. I have plenty of experience to start where I stand. I just have to build the confidence and grounding I need to establish the integrity and eventually mastery that I hope to achieve. We all must start somewhere. Today I start from here. One step. One step at a time. I will make this happen.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Learning Lessons and Making Time

What a fantastic day! I went to bed last night at 2am, and reluctantly dragged myself out of bed at 7am to go to the local Farmers Market to interview artists and introduce myself to new artists for potential future artist interviews. I am becoming aware of one major theme that seems to be across the board for every creative dreamer I have met so far: Make time for your craft. All too often we put aside what we want to do for what we feel we need to do. Our dreams are cast to the wayside, while we work and toil away at jobs we hate so that one day we may be able to afford time off to do what we want to do. I am learning that this is backwards. 
One day, while waitressing at a food chain that I desperately hated- I had a very enlightening conversation with two carnival workers that happened to stop in for a late dinner. They were happy. Truly ecstatic about life. It was infectious. I spent more time at their table than any other during my shift, and while the tips reflected it at the end of the night, I was grateful for my interaction with these two eccentric men. After they had their fill of fried food and bad jokes, one of the men looked at me seriously. “Do you enjoy what you do?” I didn’t have to think about it. “No.” I responded immediately. “But I am saving money to travel. I want to make documentaries, and see the world.” He smiled at me, I saw for the first time a wisdom etched in the lines of his face- and his eyes. “Tell me Corin- do work to live? Or do you live to work?” 
Not everyone enjoys their “day job”, so why then allow it to take over and exhaust you? Sure- life can be difficult, and we all have obligations, but there is ALWAYS time for what you love to do. Making time to paint early mornings before your kids awake, or at night after they have gone to bed. Drawing concepts and ideas in a notebook you bring everywhere with you- storing ideas and inspiration that you can refer back to later. Busting out a hoola hoop or work on a dance routine while you wait for the bus. Yeah- sometimes you might feel a little weird about doing this in public, but you are utilizing spare time to do the things you love- WHO CARES what people think about you- if they think negatively, that is their own insecurities at play, not yours; and if they think positively, you have inadvertently inspired another person. 
Making time is, for me, the hardest part about living my dream- but in order to live it, I absolutely MUST make time. 
Next to making time, I have learned that we each have to allow ourselves to create without personal judgement. In the first Dream Leaper Interview (which I have yet to post) I have been judging myself way too harshly. I must remember: I am new to this. I do not have to be perfect. I do not have to produce high quality videos right now. All I have to do is move. Movement creates experience, experience creates learning, learning expands growth, and eventually, I will be able to produce the quality films that I aspire to. I can apply this to my writing as well. The more I write, the better I will get. One step at a time in the same direction, no matter how small, I will make it to my goal. This excites me. I am on my way :-D
 Last weekend I went to the Farmers Market with no plan, and a hope to get some interviews. Several unexpected things happened when I arrived: I got shy and insecure, and it was way busier than I expected. I was uncomfortable about approaching new people (even though this is what I normally do best) and I was embarrassed about sharing my ideas with them about my film project and blog. I mean, who was I to call myself an artist among such amazing and established people- “TRUE ARTISTS”! (I am learning to embrace my artist-self. It is at times uncomfortable, but it is also a learning process.)  

I spoke with a few acquaintances and set up some loose interviews for the following Saturday. I had all week to plan and prepare, and I didn’t put any time into it. In the end, I made it to the market late, and missed the prime interview time while they were setting up and before the customers arrived. 
BUT I learned a very valuable lesson: allow time for preparation and pre-production. Have my questions planned and ready (and written down, in case I forget them) Be on time. Be EARLY, in fact. Know my interviewee, as well as my audience. Conduct research about them and their products before I arrive. Be sure to state clearly what I need- loud and clear voice, complete sentences (starting the answer with the question, etc). Having a clear vision on what I am looking for will help the interviewee to feel more comfortable, and will allow me to cut together a more cohesive video in the end. 
With all of that said- I ended up having some REALLY amazing interviews, with some insanely talented and wonderful artists. I also networked and plan to spend the week organizing my interviews and project so that I can begin interviewing these artists and posting videos each week. I walked around to each booth, introducing myself to people, asking questions, collecting business cards, and gaining inspiration and motivation from each interaction. It was deeply affirming to me to be able to state clearly my intentions with with this film project. The interactions enabled me to articulate my personal goals and desires for my vision and my art. I am beyond inspired and looking forward to sharing the results with all of you wonderful people! 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

John Butler Trio - Ocean - Live at Paleo Festival 2010


Tonight has brought me the soul stretching, love inducing, eye opening, faith leaping, PUSH over the edge that I have needed (and craved) for a very long time. It was one of those moments when you suddenly feel as if you have awoken from a scary dream- one where everything is out of control, and can feel as fate drags and pushes you around like a rag doll. I awoke.  I was surprised that I did not feel low, disheartened, or emotionally exhausted from the last few years of allowing myself to focus on the negative things in my life, and allowing others to have control over me, and over my emotions. I awoke shocked- I couldn't believe I had slept so long! And to think I had   continued for so long to give away my energy, attention and emotions to people and  activities that weren't even worth the bother- I awoke to the realization that I am in charge and that I have control over what and who deserves my energy and attention. No MORE will I continue to focus on the bad in my life. NO MORE will I allow myself to care what others think of me (I have spent so much time and energy on this. NO MORE. I am DONE.)

Leading up to this moment:
My dear friend Rick sent me a text message last week to inform me he had purchased tickets to see John Butler Trio, and asked me to join him. I enthusiastically excepted. I immediately called my sister Amber to tell her to get tickets, as we had both come to love him and his music equally. She had to be there with me. I didn't want to experience it without her. Later I hounded my friend Rob to join us. Rob, I knew, was also a huge JBT fan. We all met Rick at the front of Higher Ground, with mutual friends Nate and Shayna.

Once in, we hung out in the back for a while, and decided to make our way toward the front of the stage for a better view. We didn't get right up front, but we got close, and as soon as John Butler and his band made there way out onto the stage- I just knew it was going to be a great show.

The moving moment:
They played many songs, all of which I am in love with, and sang every word. About half way through the show, his drummer and bassist both left the stage, leaving John on his own to work his insane guitar magic (seriously, the BEST guitarist I have ever seen!) He dedicated the song "Ocean" to every person who fights for a cause. For every person "on the front lines" of the movement- the revolution. I am sure he was talking about a specific revolution- of corporate take over, taking care of the Earth, and  indigenous rights (all VERY important revolutions and purposes)- but I like to think that he meant EVERYONE who was on the front lines of ANY revolution: people out there, changing the world in a positive way, in whatever way they feel moved to do so. I felt my own path- my own revolution- of encouragement and inspiration, helping people to find their way to doing what they love, instead of being stuck behind and miserable at what they hate. A revolution of PLAYFULNESS, and LOVE.

As he played, I felt my body began to vibrate. My cells began to awaken and shake and shimmy like they had all been blasted with love and engulfed in bursts of energy. They danced and swam and swayed- I felt light on my feet. I closed my eyes, and felt as if the music washed right through my chest- through my heart, filling me up with love, encouragement, motivation, inspiration, self control and self affection.

I felt a sense of grounding that I have been missing for several years, and yet, I felt as if I could, as if I was flying. As he fingered and plucked away at the strings, I could see my story from the beginning. I could see where I have come from, where I have been,  and all of the magic in where I am heading. I felt firm in my position and my place in this world, and in my ability and desire to create amazing art in a world that desperately needs more love- more art- more fun and play- more revolutions.

At one super intense crescendo, one word popped into my head: Purpose. A series of images played through my head- a preview of what I believe is to come: Me, traveling  the world, and interviewing truly amazing people (John Butler included) about their purpose in life, and what it means to have a purpose. I was interviewing all kinds of people from all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, all of whom felt incredibly strong about something, and moved forward, despite what others thought, and what their perceived limitations were. I was traveling. I was interviewing. I was making a difference, and living my own dream at the same time. I was creating something that was going to inspire others to do the same. I had become the person I had always dreamed.

During the rest of the show, I pondered how far John must have come to be there, on his stool, playing such moving and incredible music for such an appreciative audience. Surely he had overcome many obstacles, trials, and tribulations to get to where he was tonight. He did not back down, he did not give up- or at least he made the difficult choice to get back up and brush himself off when he did. He put many hours into his craft- as EVERY successful artist does. Most importantly- he didn't care what others thought- he did this for himself. He gave himself purpose, he found his cause, and he fights for it still today.

Today I awake anew. I am ready to allow myself to move forward with my own dreams, despite my perceived shortcomings and limitations. Today I ditch the inner critics that have left me wondering what others think (I sent them all to protect The Kimberly in north western Australia, where Woodside Petroleum is threatening to build a LNG refinery on one of the most beautiful natural pieces of earth- look it up, it's horrible!) I have banished all negative thoughts and critics from my mind, and have made the decision to MAKE THE TIME in my life for my purpose. Today I take the first steps toward shaking the sleep out of my rigid and chilled body, and waking it to full warmth and movement. I awash myself with self love, self respect, and self care. I dedicate myself to my purpose and the love of my art. It is time to move forward. I start here and now.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dream Leaper: Jamee Varda

Jamee Varda is the very definition of artist. She absorbs life like a sponge, and pours it into her paintings and drawings. I was fortunate enough to meet Jamee while visiting a mutual friend in Minneapolis a few years ago. She is incredibly sweet and I have been lucky enough to remain in touch with her through Facebook. This week I saw a photo album she posted of her art work and I was instantly inspired. She is the kind of person that the world would benefit from knowing. Her art work is fun, spunky, and eccentric. I wanted to help in some way- and was suddenly inspired to share her story. Because of Jamee, I have found a new path on my creative journey. I will share the stories of others so that we can all inspire and become inspired by those around us. Thank you, Jamee, for being an inspiration to me, and to my readers! 

What’s your story?  
I was born in California in a family of 3 girls and my mom and dad. We moved to northeastern Minnesota, where I had to go through a lot of changes moving into a small town and having no friends when I was going through rough adolescent times.
My sisters were 7 and 8 years older than me, they were moving out when I was in middle school. I learned to love my own company, and use my imagination, often creating whole worlds out of twigs in a forest or a blanket and a stuffed animal. I've always been in love with nature, with animals, and with the spirituality of the outdoors. I'm a deeply introspective and sensitive person, pretty much always worrying about the people I love, but I'm on a personal mission to change that and embrace the magic in our universe. The small things.

When did you start painting? 
I've been drawing and painting since I was a very small child. I don't really remember a time I wasn't drawing or making art. I had a daycare teacher that I always loved that got me into drawing, and since then it's what I just have to do.

How long have you been painting for? 
Painting seriously? Probably since I was 14. (I'm 25 now) I had a few high school art teachers that saw something in me and encouraged me to try new mediums, and since I started, I love finding new ways to make something out of nothing.

What are your creative dreams?
Do we mean life dreams or nightly dreams? I have tons of both! I dream of (and will!) being able to live comfortably off my freelance work, and travel the world gathering new inspiration and new friends! I have also been plagued/blessed (depending on how you look at it) by powerful dreams and sleep issues all my life. I've gotten a lot of inspiration from my dreams, and sometimes you can see them in my stuff. I was once told by a shaman in Arizona "of course you're a dreamer, you are an artist. It's in your being." which was pretty intense stuff. This guy read me like a book,  and since then I've never been unhappy with my dreams, even the scary ones. They still teach me something. 

Do you have any other talents?
I've been told I can sing, and I used to sing in all kinds of choirs and in my church. I really get a lot of enjoyment out of it, especially screaming R&B ballads by myself in the car! It's a great release.

What inspires you? 
Personal interactions. Quiet moments in solitude, especially the outdoors. History- I constantly read about the past, particularly the turn-of-the-century/victorian/civil war eras. Life was so full of turmoil and passion, and hard times but intense passions. Like I said, nature really is the substance that fills my belly. Since I was a kid I've had a knack for random animal facts and a deep passion for conservation and environmental awareness.

What motivates you? 
The people in my life! I work at a group home, and my clients give me so much in life lessons and food for thought. My supportive family (with my millions of nieces and nephews, my funny sisters and my AMAZING parents who never stop making me feel strong). I have a boyfriend who is my rock and my partner, and a small group of amazing friends who are such creative and passionate people.

What discourages you?
Life! I've always been a sensitive person, always analyzing my place in the world and worrying about the people in my life. I worry about the environment, and hate the ugliness of some human nature but I celebrate people. I get down about world issues and turmoil, but I release a lot of that in my work.

How do you get past it? 
Well, it's cliche but my biggest release is my art. When life is chaotic, my best pieces come out. I'm also working on myself, and learning about the laws of attraction and manifesting the things you want in life. I'm working on positivity, and finding all the magic in my life.

Do you have support from your family? 
DEFINITELY! My parents don't always get my imagery or subject matter; my mom always jokes about my "tentacle phases" and such, but they have never waivered in support. In everything I do- they drive to my functions, they help me in whatever ways they can, and always cheer me on. I'm a lot different from my two sisters, but they've always supported me as well, even sending design business my way!

Do you have support from your friends? 
For sure! I have a very small circle of close friends, and each one of them is positive, creative, and encouraging. I feel like I'm coming into a great stage of my life, where I no longer feel the need to chase down friendships that don't feed my soul. I'll take a great talk at a coffeeshop over clubbing every weekend anytime (although I'll raise a little hell with the best of 'em sometimes!)

Is this your full time gig? 
Well, since I work full-time, I guess I'd say no. But do I act like it's a full-time gig? You bet! I'm always sketching, working on ideas, working on my web stuff, or brainstorming! I'm a major daydreamer, but wouldn't have it any other way. It's how I get my ideas! 

Would you like to make this your full time gig?
Oh definitely. There's no other way. I manage a group home in St. Paul, and I've done this work for 6-7 years now, and it wears down the soul and the mind. I love what I do, but making a lifetime career out of it isn't an option, if I want to be truly happy and fulfilled. I have a hard time not taking work home with me, and being so intuitive can be a stressor in this field at times. 

What are your hopes and goals for the future?
To have great success with my freelance art, working with other artists and being in galleries all over the world. I am going to all sorts of places- Southeast Asia to bathe with an elephant, the French countryside to paint where the impressionists did, and I'm going to walk through the Amazon rainforest (among other things)! I am going to have loving, supportive, exciting relationships, and I am going to be the captain of my own ship- that is, be my own boss and make my own career path. I am going to help raise awareness about environmentalist issues and human rights issues, and I will soak up everything I learn from every being I encounter.

Do you have a plan to reach these goals? 
I have made both an Etsy shop and a website as a starting point to spread the word of my art. I have had a booth at a Minneapolis art festival, and plan to have another at an indie music festival in Wisconsin (SoundTown in Summerset, WI), and plan on doing murals all over Minneapolis. I've had a couple art gallery shows and shows at restaurants and coffeeshops, and I will make that a big priority over the next couple months as well. I want to take over the world!
Do you network? How and where do you find the most productive networking?
Um, well as you may know, artists aren't always the most social butterflies, so sometimes it's hard to contact or meet new local artists. I know the more famous ones of the Minneapolis art scene, but I'm always eager and willing to meet more!

How important do you find networking? 
It's very important to get your name out there- it's a lot like being in a band (which I am, I do live art for the band GAHEDiNDIE) wgere you have to meet and schmooze and leave an impression. That can be tough without a manager or art dealer, (which I'd like to get within the next year or two) so you just have to find ways to run into people at shows and events and get to talking! Always having a business card available, of course, is a handy tool!

What has your path been like? Positive, negative, neutral? 
Positive, positive, positive! I don't really pay attention to negative comments, and honestly I don't get very many. I have been encouraged by friends, relatives, and even strangers, that I have something worth sharing with the world, and I'm not going to fight that! I still am baffled when someone compliments the hell out of my stuff (you made me blush like hell, lady!) but I am loving every minute of it.

Is there anything you would have done differently? I don't think so!

What does the phrase “leap of faith” mean to you, and do you feel you’ve made one?  
It means listening to the calling you have inside yourself, and against all odds, answering that call! Yes, I did venture off from what I thought my life path would be, but the bigger one will be when I decide to leave the "working world" and support myself fully. That scares me to death of course, but just the thought of having time be all my own and not stressing so much is uplifting! I can't wait.

What is your definition of “Success”? 
Having tried with all the fibers of your being, and living an authentic life.

What is your definition of “Failure”? 
The opposite- having never tried, allowing others to put out your light.

Do you find creative gifts or forward movement in “failure”? 
Of course! Any blunder offers a lesson, and those are the most valuable. You learn far more from "losing" than from "winning".

Do you ever have creative lulls? How do you move through them? 
Oh definitely! Those are the times I'm most stressed with life stuff, or right after I crank out a ton of art for a gallery or festival showing. Then I've spent all my juices and need time to recharge!

What are some tools for motivation/ creativity/ inspiration that you could suggest to artists who are feeling stuck? Whatever lights them up! I try working on myself, such as going to yoga or eating well, along with being outside and finding new adventures with friends. Whatever makes me happy and excited about life, gets me painting and drawing!

If you could do anything, regardless of the price tag attached, what would you do? TRAVEL! I'd go everywhere. I always watch nature shows and documentaries, and there's nothing more I'd love than to be right where that camera goes. I'd love to ride in a long wooden boat down some river in China, paint a picture in an old Swedish bedroom, be right there in Alaska when the whales are gorging themselves on krill. And it's gonna happen! I've made it my mission.

How do you make the time for your art? Whenever I have time, that's when I do it! I love painting in the mornings or the late evenings. I always have to be looking out or near a window, and have lots of natural light.
What is a leap of faith that you have taken? What happened? How did the outcome benefit your artist self & creative dream? Well, I originally was studying to be a Marine Biologist and went as far as being accepted to UCSD. But I had a constant pull to be an artist, and I had a powerful dream that made me feel that art was the priority. I chose a different school (ASU) and moved to Phoenix, and coming from a town of 4500 in Northern Minnesota, that was a huge change. I learned so much about myself, and went through a major emotional growth spurt, finding my independence and swimming with the sharks. I don't regret it at all, but I'd still love to get a degree in Marine Biology and help with field studies someday. It's still my passion.

What is one major fear you have about your creative dream? That I will end up not being successful with my work, or that I will not live my dreams as an artist and a person, but I refuse to entertain those thoughts! Positive affirmations, baby!

Challenges have solutions, while fears are illusions without possible resolution. How might you turn this fear into a challenge? I am trying to do that every day- I want to prove that little voice wrong in the worst (and best) way! I am going to be authentic and remember that even if I don't sell paintings for $300,000 a piece, they're me and they're beautiful!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Exploring this fast-changing world before we lose everything that makes the earth beautiful, painting and drawing my butt off, and surrounded by great friends! Being rich would be a nice touch :) 

What advice would you give for someone chasing their creative dreams?
GO FOR IT. You deserve the life you want, come hell or high water. I just can't relate to people who don't want to be happy, who would rather doggy-paddle in place instead of riding the waves so-to-speak! Why not make life your own? Develop your craft, ask LOTS of questions,  put in the work and the time, and place your order with the universe and let things happen!
I would also advise that although degrees and letters after your name may be what you think the world wants from you- experience, originality, tenacity, and hard work go much farther. So many art-school-dropouts kill it in the "real world"!
Jamee's Art can be purchased at her Etsy site
Check out her website
You can also "Like" her Facebook page 

Inspirational Song of the Week!

Coming Soon!

Dream Leaper interviews! I will be interviewing and highlighting Dream Leapers of all varieties: Artists, musicians, business owners, performance artists, tattoo artists, entrepreneurs, authors, dancers, travelers, life coaches, and many other inspiring people. I will share their stories, their fears and desires, how they cope with their inner critics and demons, and what keeps them driven. It is my hope to get to the root of the art of dream leaping, and find out the secrets to success by conducting interviews with as many inspiring (and aspiring) people as possible. It is my hope that you, my readers, will find inspiration to take leaps of your own toward your own dreams, and that my blog will help you to find ideas and resources that you might need to move forward.

If YOU are a Dream Leaper, send me a short email with your story, and I can interview you and feature you and your work here on my blog!  :-D Stay tuned for my first interview: Visual artist and painter Jamee Varda of Minneapolis, Minnesota~ I adore her art work, and I deeply look forward to sharing it with you all! :-D                    
Love and Gratitude to you all! 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fun News- an Inspiration Update

Revamping my blog! Movement toward my dreams and desires. 
HOORAY! After my recent tours of Sweden's amazing art museums, I have found much inspiration and the motivation to make some changes. I have revamped my blog and work habits so that I may easily move in the direction of my hearts desire: finding and spreading inspiration, motivation, and the incredible stories of those magical people who have taken leaps of faith, and the paths they followed.

My art museum tours came after I started reading Julia Cameron's The Artists Way. Cameron offers two tools for aspiring artists that she claims are essential to the process of discovering your inner artist: the Morning Pages, and the Artists Date. I am two weeks into her book, and have already felt a great change in my desire and strength as an artist. Before reading this, I was even apprehensive to call myself an artist- I didn't feel I deserved the title. I still feel a little uncomfortable claiming my desired title, but I am working through this discomfort. I have discovered many ideas and inspiration that I didn't even know existed in the back of my mind, while writing the Morning Pages (3 pages of free writing EVERY morning). I found fairies and jewels of hope and my childhood dreams hiding in the paintings and sculptures of each high-ceilinged room of the cool and brightly lit art museums, while on my artists dates (creative dates with yourself that encourage play and elate your inner artist child.) 

I was happy to spend the weekend in Stockholm, visiting my friend Helen, and my boyfriends friend and his family, but I am super happy to be home again, working on my blog, and putting all of this inspiration to work. I took so many photos this weekend, as well as video, and I am looking forward to editing it all and sharing it with you. 

I have been dreaming of my Artists Cottage a lot lately. I have this image in my mind of the perfect little cottage (about the size of guest house- maybe a little bigger) with large windows, an open arched ceiling with skylights, and a loft. The ground floor would be an artists heaven! Art supplies everywhere, and of every variety. I would have a vintage desk where I would do all of my writing- in front of a window that looked out over a garden. One wall would be a built-in floor to ceiling bookshelf, with a rolling ladder. The loft would contain a king sized mattress on the floor, and skylights above the bed. There would be a hundred pillows of all shapes, sizes and colors, and the blankets would be fuzzy and warm. And I would not have to go far for my afternoon Fika (Swedish for "coffee date"), as I would have a stone patio in the front, with a cafe style table and chairs. I am inspired by even just the thought of this place. This would be my "office" and my haven. 

I have decided to start making handmade business cards to hand out with my blog address on them. I have a habit of changing phone numbers, web address's, emails, and everything else, so this will be a cheaper and easier way to keep up with my changes. I will not have to worry about spending so much on business cards that will be void once they even are made- like the many I have piling up on my desk. Plus making them is more fun! Hand cut, hand colored, and hand printed. I think I will even get some linoleum blocks when I get home, and make some stamps (ooohhh- fun fun fun!) I have been wanting to get into block printing for some time now. 

I have many plans in the works for this blog, and will begin to apply these ideas very soon. Here is a sneak peak of what you can look forward to: 
~Weekly Artists interviews! Each week I will highlight a new artist, sharing their stories and their art. 
~Suggestions and Resources for inspiration and motivation. Books, videos, quotes, links, etc.
~Dream Leaper interviews! I will interview people who have taken leaps of faith, and share their stories of uncertainty, hope, and accomplishment. 
~Inspirational Song of the Week!
~My own story! My path of self discovery, becoming whole and secure in my Self, and as an artist. I will share my hopes, dreams, and inspirations, as well as my fears, difficult lessons, and stumbles along the way. 

My boyfriend is a wonderful photographer! Thank you, Jens!

Brightly colored supplies for my new business cards. 

Loving what I do~ Pure happiness shines through.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Inspirational Music List!

I wanted to share with you a list of inspirational songs that I listen to on a daily basis. They are all geared toward taking leaps of faith, and doing what makes you happy. I call them my "musical affirmations". They also work in a sort of subliminal way as well. I put the music on in the background, and let it play in the back of my mind while I work on creative projects, or even while cleaning, cooking, or lounging around. It keeps my mind in a positive place and encourages movement and action in the realm of creative dreams. Enjoy~ :-D

You can get it if you really want- by Jimmy Cliff
Moving Forward- Bitter:Sweet
Passion- 1 Giant Leap
A beautiful day- India Arie
Use the Force- Jamiroquia
Free- Donavon Frankenreiter
Move by yourself- Donavon Frankenreiter
Better Than- John Butler Trio
Between the Lines- Bonobo
It's amazing- Jem
True to myself- Ziggy Marley
Opportunity- Pete Murry
Beautiful Flower- India Arie
Make it mine- Jason Mraz
Get it like you like it- Ben Harper
Rise- Eddie Vedder

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Motivation for Movement

This is a video I created last week when I felt the urge to procrastinate. I figured that if I was going to work on something that wasn't my project, I would at least put the effort into something that will inspire me to work more on my project later! So I made this creative visualization tool to help motivate me when I am feeling down, bored, or unmotivated. And it has worked! I wanted to share it with all of you, and encourage you all to make some sort of visual inspiration to remind yourself of your purpose and dream. Some people make "vision boards", I have this video, along with a vision journal, which has all kinds of collages and motivational quotes in it. It's fun, and puts everything back into perspective when you feel like you have lost your way. :-D

Inspirational Song of The Week

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

An Introduction, Short n' Sweet!

Hello to old friends, and WELCOME to all of the newcomers! For those of you who do not know me, my name is Corin, and I am a creative visionary fairy out to bring inspiration and motivation to the masses. I am an avid traveler, writer, and lover of adventure. I adore meeting new people, and learning about peoples stories and creative processes. I am currently working on a film project (See post below for more details!) that will combine all of my passions and lead me on a leap of faith to find creative people all around the world who are living their dreams. I want to find out their secrets to success, and bring them to you, my wonderful viewers. I look forward to you joining me on this exciting journey :-D

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Path Less Traveled

I have three TRUE passions in my life: Travel, writing, and film production. Well, I guess you could even say there are five, as passion and creativity are, in and of themselves, passions of mine. I greatly enjoy exploring the creative realm, and learning where people find motivation to push forward and achieve their goals in life, even if the path is a scary one.

Last September, I was having a conversation with a close friend. We were discussing our own dissatisfactions with our lives. “Why on earth am I working so hard to do something I am not even interested in?” she asked me. For weeks, I could not get this question out of my head. I see people do this all of the time. It was oddly commonplace. I had reached that point myself, and the monotony was killing me. I could feel something creative and alive, deep inside of me, just waiting to escape. I was going crazy. If I wanted sanity, I had to do what seemed insane.

All I have ever wanted to do is travel, write, and maybe someday, have my own travel show. “Pipe dreams”, I always told myself. People don’t offer people like me book deals or TV spots. In that moment, I was correct. “People like me” were people who didn’t do anything about their dreams aside from suppressing them. The only way I could achieve my goals, was taking the path less traveled- the scary one. The path with absolutely no guarantee or safety net. So I quit school- and purchased a one way ticket to Hawaii.

In the months leading up to my departure, I scoured the internet for TV shows or documentaries about people who had taken leaps of faith like I was doing- hoping to find comfort in the idea that someone had succeeded before me. I found nothing. I wanted something that would give me inspiration, motivation, ideas- something that would give me hope and a push out of the door, into the unknown. I was groping in the darkness, and I needed even just a little bit of light, just a little bit of hope.

It became apparent that it was time to step out on to the edge of the unknown, spread my wings, and dive head first into my dreams.

From that ledge, I came up with an idea to combine ALL of my dreams and passions into ONE large creative project.
I can create a project that helps bring light, love, and motivation to people who are groping in the darkness for even just a flicker of hope. I can create a project that can help to wake people out of the monotony of their daily lives, and give them encouragement to explore their creative dreams.

This project will take me around the world, meeting and interviewing different people, from different cultures and backgrounds, all with the same achievement: they took a chance on themselves, and on their dreams. They took the path less traveled, braving self doubt, outside criticism, and an uncertain outcome. I want to share their stories to help inspire others to achieve their own dreams. I will do this through digital media and web-based episodes that will air bi-weekly, each showcasing a specific creative dreamer who took the leap and are currently living in the light of their own creative goals. Along the way, I will film and document my own journey, my own step into the unknown- showing my own hardships, as I write my book, travel the world, and find myself.

The project that I am sharing stands on it’s own, but it is my hope to come out of this in the end, with a book about my adventures, as well as the footage I need to produce a feature length documentary about my personal leap of faith, painted with encouragement from the many different inspiring people I meet around the world.

How you can help:
First of all, stay tuned to my blog, as I will be posting my project to in a few weeks to start raising money. It is my hope to have the project fully funded by the end of the summer, so that I may begin my journey in September/October, after I return from hiking the Long Trail.

Next: Have you, or anyone you know, taken a leap of faith and achieved a creative goal or dream? If so, please email me at and tell me about your story. If possible, please attach a photo of yourself in your creative element. If chosen, I will feature you in my show, and use your photo for the promotional spot for the Kickstarter site. Please be sure that you have the ability to permit my use of the photo you provide.

Lastly: if you have a moment, and would like to support me and my project/creative dream further, please post this to your social networking site or blog, and help me get the word out! Thank you! :-D

Thank you ALL so much for the wonderful support you have all shown me now, and in the past. I would not be where I am today if it were not for my friends, family, mentors, and magical acquaintances! You are all so wonderful :-D